General Authority for Military Industries

Frequently Asked Questions about the Initiatives of the General Authority for Military Industries Addressing COVID-19


Q 1: What are the initiatives' objectives?

A: To stimulate and support the sector to keep up with the government's efforts to combat COVID-19 and mitigate its financial and economic impacts on the  private sector. Such initiatives also come in response to the Royal Decree concerning the development of incentives and initiatives to mitigate the economic and developmental impacts on private sector enterprises that have been impacted by the precautionary measures taken to combat the spread of the virus.

Q 2: What are the targeted sectors?

A: The initiatives target the companies operating in the military industry activities under the supervision of the General Authority for Military Industries.

1-     Extending all the founding license issued before 30 June 2020 for 3 months.

Q 3: How is the 3-month extension calculated?

A: Three more months will be added to the expiry date of the license, for those whose license was issued before 30 June 2020. Example: if the expiry date of founding license of a company is 15/01/2022, it will be 14/04/2022.

Q 4: Does the initiative cover those who apply for a new license before 30 June 2020?

A: Yes. It covers those who hold license or obtain new one before 30 June 2020.

2-     Postponement of fee payment for new licenses to exercise military industrial activities until 01 September 2020

3-     Postponement of fee payment for new licenses to provide military services until 01 September 2020

Q 5: How to benefit from such initiatives?

A: To benefit from the postponement of fee payment for licenses (military industries and services), attach an application in the link for (attach invoices) on the Military Licensing Portal, for any application before 01 September 2020.

Q 6: For the beneficiaries of the initiative, when is the due date for license fee payment?

A: The due date is 01 September 2020.

4-     Extension of response period for Observations of GAMI on Licensing Portal until 30 June 2020

Q 7: How to benefit from this initiative?

A: The response periodfor  the GAMI license/permit applications shall be open until 30 June 2020 and not only for 14 days.


 Q 8: Does this initiative cover permits of manufacturing, services and supply?

A: Yes.

5-     Extension of period of regularization for existing companies to fulfill GAMI requirements from 09 September 2020 to 31 December 2020

Q 9: What are the Companies that need regularization?

A: They are existing companies that hold previous licenses from government entities before the establishment of GAMI and related to the activities supervised by GAMI.

Q 10: What does the Regularization mean?

A. To fulfil the requirements of Regulations governing the exercise of military industrial activities approved on 17/07/2019, while obtaining the correct license to ensure continuation of operation before the expiry of the regularization period on 31/12/2020.

Q 11: How can I get a copy of the Regulations governing the exercise of military industry activities?

A: A copy can be obtained by logging into the Military Licensing Portal on GAMI Web site:
