
Saudi Industrial Development Fund

Financing the Purchase of Raw Materials for

the Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Industry

Medical and Pharmaceutical Equipment Enterprises


Urgent Financial loan offered to companies operating in medical and pharmaceutical equipment manufacturers to cover part of raw material costs. For details, kindly press here.

Postponing and Restructuring of Enterprises’ Loan Installment


During 2020


Support impacted industrial enterprises through restructuring loan installments for all clients of small and medical enterprises that are due in 2020, while considering the postponement and restructure of loan installments of medium and large enterprises impacted by the precautionary measures of COVID-19, whose payments are due in 2020. For details, kindly press here.

Postponing and Restructuring Loan Installments

for Small and Medium Factories

Medium and Large Industrial Enterprises

, all Sectors

Postponing and restructuring loan installments for medium and large enterprises, that are due in 2020. For details, kindly press here.

conditional privatization notices for industrial investors

All investors:

Industrial Companies

Modify the period of conditional privatization notices for industrial investors to be (24) months instead of (12) months, and rental shall be accounted in case of extension for an additional period.For the initiative’s details, kindly press here.

Support the Operational Costs of Small and Medium Enterprises


All Sectors


Urgent Financial loan offered to SIDF’s clients of small and medium enterprises to cover part of operational costs. For details, kindly press here.
